Friday, March 18, 2011


Every once in a while people ask me what we look like when I take all three kids out by myself. How exactly do I take all three kids to the grocery store, or the mall and manage to not destroy everything or lose my sanity? The truth is many days we do manage to get out of the house and accomplish something, and then many days I get in way over my head. Today I was in way over my head. I took the three on a fun day to the zoo, just the four of us. What was I thinking?

The parking lot was completely full so we had to park in the back lot. This should have been my first clue to head home. But I decided that spring break crowds and all we would continue on. As soon as we get out of the car and loaded into the stroller Andrew starts to complain that he needs to go potty. Halfway through the parking lot his complaining is more constant and sounding more panicked. So I did as any mother would, start sprinting three kids stroller and all and snapping at my kid that I was doing the best I could to get him there in time. It was one of those reflective moments of wondering "how in the world did I get here? Where did these 3 kids come from and why don't they have any bladder control?" Of course there are no bathrooms on the outside of the park so I begged a ticket lady to let us through and promised that I would come back to purchase tickets. I had to continue making a scene pushing through the crowds and getting dirty looks as I apologise "excuse us, sorry, my kid needs to go potty." Miraculously we made it with no accidents, I am still amazed. After all that my grateful kid informs me while we are in line to buy tickets that he has to go potty, AGAIN! Seriously kid?

The photographer jumped in front of my stroller to grab this shot, completely annoying. But I decided to buy it. It will be a great picture of what our life is like at this stage. It is also an important reminder that amongst all the chaos I am truly blessed, even on days like today.

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