Thursday, November 20, 2008

Adventures, Observations, and Lessons

And this all in one week.

-The boys who love the new and unseen had an adventure going through Brad's bathroom cabinet. They dug through ever treasure by first chewing on it then throwing it aside to find a new and possibly better discovery. Once all the treasure was dug up, Andrew staked his claim on the by crawling into the cabinet and under the sink.

-I learned that 103.9 temps are not as scary as they once were. However, they are still not very fun especially when there is no other symptom to figure out what is going on. The good new is Andrew seemed to only notice his temp once it was above 102. Anything less and he was normal monkey self.

-Nathan likes to stick his hand in anything including but not limited to mommies food, Vaseline, Andrew's poopy diaper.

-Nathan understands the shortest distance between himself and the computer is a straight line. Even if that strait line is climbing onto the ottoman and jumping off it and onto the couch. For those of you wondering he landed on the edge of the couch feet down, a little startled but OK. Unfortunately he was still not able to reach mommy's computer.

-Andrew fell forward and hit his mouth on the edge of the chair then lost his balance and fell straight back hitting his head on the tile. Both Mommy and Andrew survived our first bloody injury.

-Nathan is deciding that he prefers breast feeding over the bottle and sippy cup. When I tried to give him the cup he pushed it away in protest. When he was not sure I got the point, he reached for the cup with the sole purpose of chucking it across the room in discust. I tried to calm him down by giving him his pacifier. This too found its way through the air as he gave me a look as if to say "how dare you try and pacify me with this thing."

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