I decided it was time to teach the boys to play in the sand. I never thought this was something you had to teach your kids but apparently mine need a little help. So we took some buckets and headed to the park.
Lesson #1: Sand is fun; you can scoop it into buckets and run your fingers through it.
Nathan quickly mastered lesson #1 and moved on to lesson #2.
Lesson #2 Don't throw sand, especially at Mommy. (I am sure we will be working on this lesson some more.
Andrew is still thinking about lesson #1. He has not touched the sand, he is just standing there holding it in a cup and staring at it. I turn from watching Andrew and discover that Nathan has embarked on the next lesson.
Lesson #3 Sand is not water, you don't pour it in your mouth.
Some lessons are definitely not as fun as others. While Nathan is still getting the sand out of his mouth Andrew manages to get a few pieces on his lip.
This only added to Andrew's uncertainty about sand.
He also does not like the few pieces of sand on his fingers. Disgusted Andrew puts the cup of sand down and walks away. In the mean time, Nathan decides he is not convinced sand is not made to be eaten and has to learn lesson #3 all over again.
So it looks like we will be heading back to the park for more sand lessons.
Anyone want to join us?