Before Shot
Say Goodbye to the Mullet.
This is Andrew's "I'm focused, concentrating, observing" face.
Looking Good
After Shot
Mommy leave me alone
Nathan's First Hair Cut went something like this... "No, I won't sit in the car chair. No, I won't wear this silly blue cover. That is my hair, what are you doing to it? My comb!"
He never really cried he just got very fussy and did not like to sit still. In his defense it was nap time. Not the smartest move on my part. But with Nana's help and a patient hair stylist we have two handsome boys with no mullets or ponytails.
Nathan Before (Notice he is not wearing the blue cover)
What is that on my hair?
Ahhhh Baby Einsteins, always a life saver.
They gave me my own comb, put on my favorite movie, let me sit on Mommy's lap, and I am still not satisfied and very wiggly.
Little Mohawk
When all else fails resort to pretzels.
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