Thursday, October 1, 2009

Proud Mama

Tonight I had the amazing privilege of hearing Nathan read his first story. No, we are not doing the Teach Your Baby To Read program. No, he is not a genius of outstanding literary skills. He is just my precious little boy, normal in every way, but in my eyes he's amazing.
While Andrew and Daddy were busy tackling each other Nathan and I were reading stories. After Mommy finished reading Where is Baby's Mama Nathan decided he wanted to read it. He turned each page and flipped open the object to see where baby's mama was hiding. Each time he said "No No" because baby's mama was not there.
To everyone else this is normal toddler behavior. As a teacher I know that these small developments are nothing big, but play a role in kids learning to read. As a mom, I get to enjoy each little moment and treasure it as a huge milestone.

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