Saturday, January 23, 2010

Becoming Big Brothers

If you read my last blog you know I asked for prayers over my family as the boys adapt to having a little sister around. Yesterday the boys came home. It started a little rough. They didn't want to have anything to do with me. Which I knew was normal, I expected it, and I knew it wouldn't last, but it was still hard. Andrew especially seemed very concerned and upset. Now looking back on it, we think he was upset becuase he could not find "the baby". He knew Kayla should be there with us, but didn't know she was in the other room sleeping. Once the baby "showed up" everything got better. The boys helped Babci change her diaper and watched me feed her. On a side note now Andrew points to my clothes and tells me "off, off" so I can feed Kayla. Great! Soon the boys were climbing all over Babci so they could see and tough "my baby". Brad and I stayed in the other room so we would not disturb such a precious moment. I was so grateful that my mom was around to capture some pictures of it. Here are a few of my favorite.

Andrew giving love pats to baby Kayla.

Nathan "Baby, Baby!"

They played find the baby's nose, toes, fingers, etc.

This is an answer to our prayers, and is now my favorite picture.

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