8 months
This month you turned from my little girl into a little inchworm. You no longer stay in one place and can scoot long distances on your tummy. You definitely move the fastest when you have your eye on something like the remote, my cell phone, or something completely new you have not had your hands on before. Now that you can move on your own, you think it is just pure torture to be left alone for even a second. If we leave the room you try and scoot after us and inevitably get your head stuck against something or just get frustrated because we are so far away. I am sure once you start crawling you are going to be under my feat constantly. You hate to be left alone. If you wake up in the middle of the night I can’t go into your room to check on you. If you see me you get hysterical and take forever to fall back asleep. It is a good thing you rarely loose your pacifier and don’t wake up a lot, because it is so hard for me to not be able to go and check on you. I know that it is only a matter of days before you decide that you don’t want me to rock you to sleep anymore and want to be a big girl and put yourself to sleep. You are growing up so fast and while you love being able to do things and follow after your brothers I just can’t seem to soak up enough of you. You are starting to feed yourself and are getting so good at it you are stuffing it in your mouth and chocking on it. Puffs are your favorite. You light up and scream as soon as you see me with your Puffs container. You jabber the whole time you are eating them. Your jabbering is changing all the time. It is hard to write down the sounds you make, but this month you started to smack your gums together like an old man making abb, baa, baa sounds. You also started to wrinkle your nose up and snuff like a little pig. It is one of the stranger things you have learned to do, but it is still so cute. You enjoyed your second photo shoot this month and as always were all smiles. You take after your brother Andrew and love to smile with your whole face; you squint your eyes and keep your mouth wide open. You have enjoyed standing for a few months now, but you don’t like to do it on your own. You are definitely more cautious that your brothers and find security in having someone help you or simply sit right beside you. You also take things in stages. You spent a few days working on pulling yourself up onto your knees then once you got that down you started to pulling yourself up to standing on your feet. Your favorite place to stand is with Daddy holding on to the side of the bathtub when your brothers take a bath. You love watching them and enjoy getting splashed a little. I know that it is only a matter of days before you get soaked standing next to the tub. We will see what you think of your brothers then. You definitely let us know when you are mad, but you can never seem to stay mad at your brothers for long. They are your favorite people to play with. Nathan enjoys singing Itsy Bitsy Spider to you and Andrew styles your bald head with a hair brush. You are the little joy of this family. You light up all of our lives. I know that your dad, brothers, and I could never imagine life without our precious little girl.
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