Thursday, September 9, 2010

the joy of boys

Even thought I wanted a boy and a girl when I was pregnant with twins, I was ecstatic to find out they were both boys. I have really enjoyed having two little men running around my life. For reasons I can't really explain I am glad God gave me two boys and not one of each. However, raising boys is pure craziness. Brad and I are both logical people, and well toddler boys just are not logical. Sometimes it is hard to remember that when they are spraying my ceiling with water, hitting their heads against the wall, or running around with their eyes closed. Recently I set out to find out the answer to one question. "Why do boys insist on throwing everything, and touching every button no matter how many times we tell them not to?" So I turned to Dobson's book "Bringing Up Boys". I have just started it but the first chapter made me smile.

While I joke about wanting to know "Why do boys insist on throwing everything, and touching every button no matter how many times we tell them not to?" The truth is it is very important to me that my boys are boys. I believe that God created men and women unique and different from each other for a reason. I, just like every women can get frustrated by how weird I think men are, but the truth is I love how God designed us differently and the beauty behind two becoming one. So as a mom of two boys, I want to raise to boys. And in raising them as boys I needed a little help in understanding them. Let me clarify that I don't buy into the idea that men don't cry, need to be macho, should be void of all emotion, and are allowed to be rude and disrespectful. I also don't believe that my boys should never play with dolls and should stay out of the kitchen. I just know that I should not be surprised or upset when they launch the doll in the air, or empty the salt canister when making cookie dough. Dobson captured my heart on raising boys to be men in this quote; "Their (parents) assignment during two brief decades will be to transform their boys from immature and flight youngsters into honest, caring men who will be respectful of women, loyal and faithful in marriage, keepers of commitments, strong and decisive leaders, good workers and secure in their masculinity." Obviously we above all else want to raise them with a understanding of God and a passionate genuine relationship with Christ, but that is the same prayer we have for all our kids, boys and girls.
Raising boys is not an easy task. Today was not a great day in our house. The boys and I had to leave there gym class early because one had no impulse control and the other could not stop throwing a fit for no reason. I know it was just one of those days, and I know they happen to every mom. But it still was not easy. Even though I am gaining a better understanding of why boys act the way they do, I still struggle with not comparing them with all the quiet little girls sitting nicely in line acting like perfect little angles. Today was a day I needed to keep reminding myself; they are boys, they are only two and a half, they are leaning, they will get it, you are a great mom, some days are just rough. Today was a day I needed to pray for more grace. Grace to give my boys, and grace to give myself. Raising little men is soooo much fun, and I wouldn't give it up for anything. But some days are just rough, some days just need extra grace.

"Boys have the tendency to leap and then listen... They risk life and limb for no good reason...Boys are slower than girls to learn from calamities. They tend to think that their injuries were caused by 'bad luck'. Maybe their luck will be better next time. Besides, scars are cool."
Bringing Up Boys by Dobson

1 comment:

Lorri said...

LOVED THIS POST TODAY Kristina!! It is SO TRUE! It is so hard to give up my "PINK COLORED GLASSES" and see boys as BOYS! I forgot about that book, may have to invest in that one. (They didn't have that one when our first boy was a kid!)
God bless and thanks for sharing your heart! I so enjoy your blog :)