Monday, August 16, 2010

Let's Pretend

Recently the boys have been getting more involved in pretend play. It is great because they interact so much more when they are doing pretend play than any other activity. There is less fighting during pretend play. They get on their little cars and drive around going to work, to Starbucks, and to different store. The last few days they have started playing house, or maybe it more accurately called putting baby down for nap. They invade Kayla's room and put their stuffed animals down to nap in her crib. I was never willing to buy the boys a doll, even thought it is suggested you buy older siblings one before the new baby comes along to help them adapt. It is not because I have any issues with boys playing with dolls. I just had visions on naked babies being thrown around my house, and decided there was really no point. We have noticed the boys playing with dolls in their nursery class at church and comment on how it is time to buy them one, but have not gotten around to it.
Tonight their pretend play got more involved. Andrew found Kayla's little pink doll and tried to take it's clothes off, (The dolls at church have no clothes) but the dress is attached so he couldn't take it off. I gave the boys some of Kayla's old onesies and Brad helped the boys dress Elmo, Orange guy (Dr. Seuss character) and Scout. The pretending continued and was caught on camera.

The boys rocking their babies in the rocking chair. Nathan is also breast feeding.

Brad decided it was time to give them bottles. =)

They insisted their bottles have water in them. Now Nathan is trying to squirt his baby.
It is night night time for Elmo.

1 comment:

Lorri said...

LOVE these posts!! :) These years are so precious, and I KNOW you know they go by so fast. God bless you!!