Sunday, August 1, 2010

Breaking Through the Toddler Years.

I have figured it out. I have broken the code to the terrible 2s. It is not that toddlers are really bad. It is just that we don't understand and follow their rules. If we as parents could live by a few simple rules we would all coast through the toddler years. All toddlers are a little different so not all these rules may apply to your household. I can only share Nathan and Andrews rules. You will have to learn your own child's rules.

Life Rules According to Nathan & Andrew

-If I deem it yucky, it belongs on the floor and not on my plate.
-It I can fit it in my hand it must be thrown regardless of its shape, purpose, or what it is made out of.
-All rules are allowed to be broken whenever Mommy is busy with Kayla.
-Any and all buttons must be pushed at all times. After all that is what buttons are made for.
-All liquid was created for splashing.
-If I get it first, it is mine. If I can reach it, it is mine. If I am not supposed to have it, it is mine. If you have it and I want it, it is mine.
-If something is funny, it will continue to be funny no matter how many times it is repeated.
-All girls’ hair must be down at all times and should not be played with.
-If Mommy tells brother "No", it means that I am allowed to do it.
-If Mommy tells me “no” it must be because she does not understand what I am trying to do. If she understood then she would let me do it. Therefore, I am allowed to continue what I am doing and don’t need to listen and obey. Mommy will figure it out eventually.

1 comment:

rick and karen said...

These sound like reasonable 'Two' rules to me. I wonder if and how they will change when the boys are no longer two. You are a very smart Mommy to figure this out so soon.