Saturday, July 31, 2010

6 months

You are one busy little girl. Between all your traveling and changing I can’t even keep up with you. You started this month by going on your first trip out of the country. With your passport in hand you traveled with Daddy and I to rocky point Mexico. Over all you were a great little traveler, although you didn’t sleep that great. This was your first time going to the beach although you were not really a fan. You loved lying on the blanket and wiggling around but you didn’t like to get close to the ocean. We didn’t even get a chance to put your toes in the water before you got upset. You didn’t like the ocean but you did love your weekend away with Daddy and Mommy. You were barely home a few days before you went on another trip with mommy. This time you got to fly first class to Los Angeles to visit Aunt Erin. You were not a huge fan of the runway, but the second the plane took off you fell asleep and slept the whole way there. All this extra time with mommy is causing you to be even more of a mommy’s girl. Two trips down and you have one more to go. You got to tag along with Mommy and Daddy on their anniversary weekend. You enjoyed going out to eat and having a lot of daddy time. Now that I am getting ready to start you on solid foods daddy is giving you tastes of his food. You love frosting, bread, and margarita salt. I started you on some pares but you and I agreed we were both not ready for this step. You did seem to like them, but after a few spoonfuls you started shaking. We agreed to wait a couple more weeks. The day you turned five months you decided it was time to grow up on me. You started to roll over both directions and love playing on the floor. You grab at everything, toys, food, mommies water bottle. Everything goes into your mouth and you now know how to put your pacifier in your mouth. You are quickly becoming a little girl, and are no longer a baby. Now that you can more around more you love playing on the floor with your brothers. They notice you growing up and are starting to interact with you more each day. They talk to you and ask you questions. They love to try and tickle you and do anything to make you laugh. I pray that all three of you are close and grow to love and trust one another. I pray that you have a relationship like I have with your Uncle Trav. Brothers have so much to teach us.

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