Tuesday, July 13, 2010

5 months (just a little late posting it)

You are five months old you have mastered putting everything in your mouth. Your favorite toys are your Exersaucer, Sophi the giraffe, paci with the clip, and pink baby doll. You are becoming more and more alert all the time and therefore you don’t like to sleep when we are out places. If we are out you don’t want people to cradle you, you want to sit up or stand, so you can see everything that is going on. You are still working on getting that giggle out, it always ends up sounding like a scream. You laugh at mommy, daddy, but you just love to laugh at your brothers. Half the time we have no idea what you find so funny. They love that you are becoming more interactive with them and they can’t wait for you to be old enough to play with them. You are still very social, but you are not as vocal as you were last month. You spend more time watching others and learning new things. You have been such a mommies girl that we are trying to get you used to having Daddy, Nana, and Babci to put you to sleep. I love having a mommy’s girl, but I know it is better for you to be comfortable with others. You love everyone, until you are hurt or tired, then you only want me. You sleep from 8 till 3 when you eat and then go back to sleep till 6:30. I should be pushing you to sleep more but I am too lazy. You are starting to wake up and want your pacifier in the middle of the night. You are a little stinker when it comes to rolling over. You want nothing to with tummy time and you are perfectly content to lay on your back and scream and kick. Your favorite new thing to do is to lie on your back and play panda by grabbing your toes. Nana said I did the same thing when I was your age. Some days I stare at you and am still surprised you are my little girl. Our family feels complete now that you are here.

1 comment:

Christin said...

This post warmed my heart and made my eyes puddle! She is such a doll! I love your "complete" little family and cant wait to see you this weekend!!